Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Prevent Yeast Infection - 10 Steps To Yeast Infection Prevention

Prevention is better than cure! If you have proper knowledge about the infection of yeast and how it infects our body, you can easily prevent it before it touches your body.

1) Avoid using tight and wet dresses:

Normally yeast grows very well at wet and warm places. Using tight jeans, tight swimsuit and some other nylon materials at wet condition facilitates the yeast to grow fast by giving them optimum atmosphere.

2) Avoid using allergic products:

Some females may be allergic to perfumes used in soaps, lotion and sanitary materials. If you get some kind of irritation & itching around the genital (Vaginal) area you should first suspect for any allergies with your sanitary products.

3) Keep the genital area dry and clean:

Always wipe the genital area with dry towel. Don't allow moisture in that area.

4) Wear air free soft undergarments:

Don't wear tight underwear's. Try to use some cotton like soft clothes to keep the vaginal are dry and air free. Even you can avoid using undergarments at the time of sleep.

5) Avoid Douching:

Douching changes the normal ph balance of the vagina and gives the risk of getting yeast infection.

6) Don't take antibiotics unnecessarily:

Taking antibiotics yourself without consulting your physician may cause yeast to grow.

7) Control your diabetes:

If you are a known diabetic patient try to keep your sugar level under control. The higher level of glucose level is also a one of a favorable factor for the yeast.

8) Avoid unprotected intercourse:

Try to avoid having sex with a partner suffering from yeast disease. Always use a condom to block the transmission of yeast during sexual intercourse. Don't use the petroleum based lubrication condoms. Use the condoms those with water based lubrication.

9) Avoid intake of high sugar content:

Don't consume junk foods with higher level of carbohydrate which later converts into blood glucose. Try to have a balanced diet. Consume more fruits and vegetables (Helps to improve your immune system against infections).

10) Avoid fermented food:

Fermented food helps the yeast to grow. So it is wise to avoid this kind of food products.


By following the above said measures you can avoid getting the infection of yeast. These tips will be very useful if you suffer from chronic yeast infections for years. If you have the suspicion of yeast already infected your body don't try to take OTC (over the counter drugs) for long time. You should keep this in your mind, all the medications are having some sort side effect though is gives cure for some infections. Don't hesitate to meet your doctor. Even it is advisable to meet a doctor specialized in the field of obstetrics & Gynecology.

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  1. Webmaster, please take a look at and contact me for a discussion when possible. Thanks, Emma.
